Mobile devices can now know what things are made of …

September 1, 2019


Back in 2016 Google showed off their radar gadget that could detect objects.  It uses radar and is taught the signature of objects, so that it can then recognise them when they are placed on the detector. It’s the size of a coaster for your mug to tea,  and yes the device could tell the […]

Harmful Apps on Android Play store

August 30, 2019


I am often asked about the potential for the apps on the Play store to be harmful, and therefore make using Android devices unsafe in an enterprise setting. And I think that in the early days of Android this a perceived risk that and was often true.However the Android team have been tackling this problem […]

Posted in: Apps, Business, devices

Computers and Study of the Brain, in ’64

July 30, 2019


55 years of AI, a look back at the MIT Tech Review from my birth year.

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The future of mobile vision

July 22, 2019


I have been thinking a lot about the future of mobile, and how we are likely to move away from an over reliance on that little black rectangle we carry around. There are many new developments that are coming to fruition that will allow us to greatly enhance the technology that we carry around with […]

Deciding on mobile app features and functions – part 1: who uses what?

September 7, 2017


It is commonly understood that mobile apps should have a clear focus and designed for that particular task.  I wanted to say single task,  but some require the ability to support more than this. Apple are very good at making this distinction,  so for example the email is separate from the calendar, which is seprate from messaging, calls […]

The problem with Alexa skills

September 5, 2017


I have a couple of Alexa and as everyone says they are great at streaming music, and for simple things such as the flash briefing. However there are now thousands of skills, which on the surface seems like a good thing,  and in many ways it is. However to you use a skill you need […]

Posted in: Cognative, devices

Managing your apps data usage is so important.

September 4, 2017


<teaching you to suck eggs> If you have an app that your users rely on, and make good use of, then you need to ensure that you have the best possible experience. So often that experience is affected by the throughput and latency of the [mobile] network your user is connected through. </eggs> Why am […]

Time and behaviour context for smart interface design (IX)

September 1, 2017


So earlier so I was suggesting that interfaces need to be smarter and better at predicting what I want when,  and morphing themselves accordingly. I suggest that time of day is a simple way to consider how this might work. If you look at the graph below you can see that Facebook has peaks at […]

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Posted in: Apps, mobile

UX evolution as the user’s skills and needs improve over time.

September 1, 2017


I’ve been thinking about the use of AI in apps and web sites. Currently there is a lot of effort going into the data science aspects, using AI to make sense, at a human scale, of the huge volumes of data. Separately there is a strong movement towards conversational interfaces where the AI is processing […]

Posted in: Apps, Architecture, mobile

App discovery and installations are falling – is this a return to the golden month of old ?

September 1, 2017


So there has been a string of reports over the last few months on the decline in the number of new apps being installed by users.  Most of these stories are based on American data,  but I am sure that this is a trend that is happening all over. Back in the day before we […]

Posted in: Uncategorized