Browsing All posts tagged under »test«

Managing your apps data usage is so important.

September 4, 2017


<teaching you to suck eggs> If you have an app that your users rely on, and make good use of, then you need to ensure that you have the best possible experience. So often that experience is affected by the throughput and latency of the [mobile] network your user is connected through. </eggs> Why am […]

Making decisions to optimize a UX (mobile or web)

February 6, 2014


 One of the issues that has been a bone of contention for as long as web sites have been created (and indeed in software interfaces for years before that) is deciding the best layout, style and functional precedence for your site/app. It’s not easy because so often is is a case of personal preferences and […]

iPad app testing – where to go

April 24, 2012


This was originally posted to my internal IBM blog on 12:49 28/03/2012, Steve Devo, android, dev, development, mobile, services, test, testing, Mobile Internet Hi, if you are having trouble with testing an app for iPads and iPhones then here is some help from Ben Childs. Ohh and he does not mention mob4hire, who can provide a […]