Browsing All posts tagged under »advice«

Managing your apps data usage is so important.

September 4, 2017


<teaching you to suck eggs> If you have an app that your users rely on, and make good use of, then you need to ensure that you have the best possible experience. So often that experience is affected by the throughput and latency of the [mobile] network your user is connected through. </eggs> Why am […]

Mobile Academy: HTML5

January 2, 2013


T3 HTML 5 & Mobile Web HTML5 and mobile. HTML5 isn’t just about mobile, but it has many fea­tures designed for devel­oping applic­a­tions that run any­where the Web can run. Bruce Lawson 9/10, 6.30pm (Tues) Speaker: Bruce Lawson of Opera software HTML5 is designed to be cross browser and cross device,  but with caveats. [because to date nothing has hit the goal of […]